In his book, People in Prayer, Dr. John White reminds us that prayer is a divine-human interaction and it is always God who takes the initiative. He writes, “God speaks and we respond. God is always speaking. To hear His voice is not usually a mystical experience. It consists merely of a willingness to pay heed to God who lays a claim to our lives.
“We are called into prayer either that we might collaborate with Him in bringing His will to pass, or that we might get a larger vision of what He is like.” When we pray, we become more deeply aware of who and what God is.
Robert used to be a “baby Christian” mostly concerned with his needs, his wants, and his feelings. His prayers usually revolved around himself. But as he grew in his Christian life, and as he spent time in prayer – listening and talking to God – he began to know God more intimately. Having a greater awareness of God’s majesty, God’s holiness, God’s wisdom, God’s power, God’s love… Robert could not help but bow down and worship God. As he matured, he was able to look beyond himself so that someone else’s well-being became more important than his own. His concern for others deepened and he began to see the world through God’s eyes.
This new perspective changed the subject of Robert’s prayers. He is no less concerned with his own needs and wants. When he prays, he praises and exalts the living God – not only for what He has done, but for who He is. His heart overflows with thanks for God’s many blessings. Whereas he used to be burdened with everyday problems, now he has learned to appreciate positive things.
As we listen to God, the Holy Spirit begins to show us the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of other people. We learn to pray for them, also asking God for wisdom and strength – so we can help them. The Holy Spirit also witnesses to our spirit that God will provide all our needs. We know that God loves us very much.
God always speaks. It is up to us whether we’ll listen and respond to Him. Many of us think that we are the ones who initiate prayer. But prayer begins and ends with God.
Sometimes, after we have prayed, God’s answers may puzzle us. But as time goes by and as events unfold we see God’s purpose in His answers. We get a larger vision of what He is like. We exclaim with the prophet Isaiah, “God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts. God’s ways are higher than our ways!” (Isaiah 55:9).
As we begin to see the world through God’s eyes, we see that God is in control of the universe, and in control of our lives. We will want to work for God and with God. And what an exciting life it is – to be a co-worker of the King of kings!
Let’s reflect for a moment :
a. How does the idea that prayer begins and ends with God affect me now? Do I have the habit of listening to God? How do I respond to Him?
b. What is my perspective as I pray? Am I usually engrossed with my own needs and wants, or do I see the world through God’s eyes?
Taken from How Effective are Your Prayers? by Bertram Lim.
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