When we pray, we must come before God totally open – not hiding anything from Him. We search our hearts for areas that need to be corrected, confess our every sin, and ask for His cleansing. We must obey His every direction for our lives and allow Him to mold us according to His image.
Nothing will stand in the way of our prayers of we are totally open with God. We will know Him more intimately and become more conscious of His presence. His desires will become our desires. Jesus’ promise will be fulfilled – “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7) But if certain areas in our lives are off limits to God, our prayers will not be effective.
Our confused young man expects God to change him “miraculously”. But the Lord wants him to realize his shortcomings, confess them, and follow His way. God is neither unwilling nor unable to answer his prayers. For God does not need to be prodded to answer any of our prayers. Jesus said, “Your Father already knows what you need before you ask Him” (Matthew 6:8). God, however, desires that we be totally open to Him.
Taken from How Effective are Your Prayers? by Bertram Lim.
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