To avert disaster he quickly radioed the oncoming vessel. “This is Captain Jeremiah Smith,” his voiced crackled over the radio. "Please alter your course ten degrees south! Over."
To the captain’s amazement, the foggy image did not move. Instead, he heard back to the radio, "Captain Smith. This is Private Thomas Johnson. Please alter your course ten degrees north! Over."
Appalled at the audacity of the message, the captain shouted back over the radio, "Private Johnson, this is Captain Smith, and I order you to immediately alter your course ten degrees south! Over."
A second time the oncoming light did not budge. "With all due respect, Captain Smith," came the private’s voice again, "I order you to alter your course immediately ten degrees north! Over."
Angered and frustrated that this impudent sailor would endanger the lives of his men and crew, the captain growled back over the radio, "Private Johnson. I can have you court-martialed for this! For the last time, I command you on the authority of the United States government to alter your course ten degrees to the south! I am a battleship!"
The private’s final transmission was chilling: "Captain Smith, sir. Once again with all due respect, I command you to alter your course ten degrees to the north! I am a lighthouse!"

God’s truth is like a lighthouse. It’s not going to change to accommodate us. We are the ones who must change to conform our lives to what God wants for us.
Jesus is also like a lighthouse. The Bible teaches that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). He will always be there for us. He is absolutely dependable. We Christians must conform our lives to His will for us. If He tells us to alter our courses, we have no choice but to obey. That’s what being a disciple is all about.
Taken from Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks by Wayne Rice
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