Suddenly, from the darkness behind a rock jumped the biggest, meanest-looking grizzly bear they had ever seen. Standing squarely in front of them, the bear beat on his chest and roared like a lion, sending a terrible sound echoing off the walls of the cave. Scared to death, the two boys decided they had better run for their lives. They immediately turned to make a dash for daylight.

His exasperated friend yelled at him, "Come on, man! Let’s get out of here! Why in the world are you changing shoes? We don’t have much of a chance of outrunning that bear anyway!"
Lunging to his feet and starting to run, the first boy replied, "I don’t have to outrun the bear. All I have to do is outrun you."
Do you ever feel like your friends treat you like bear bait? When the going gets rough, they bail out on you. They remain friends with you until it costs them something - then they ditch you.
One of the great things about having Christ as your friend is knowing you that He will never leave you nor forsake you (see Matt. 28:20 and Heb.13:5). He is the friend who is not only willing to lay down His life for you, but He has done exactly that. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13)
Taken from Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks by Wayne Rice
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